Blog Archives


Mains power supply Star earthing As a general rule, all mains power for a “PA system” and any associated “back line equipment” must come from one “Star Point”to reduces the problems of earth loops. This “Star Point” should be as close as possible to the power... Read more

My thoughts on Effective Lighting

How I think about creating effective lighting. I think there are some really key factors to be considered to produce effective lighting: Where are we? Are we inside? Are we outside? What time of day is it? The time of day alters the angle the light comes from? Where... Read more

Live Sound System advice

Setting up a mixing desk input channel, The “channels tone controls”. After you have set up the gain correctly, the next thing to move on to are the channels tone controls. Use of mixing desk tone control. Don’t try to do this before the main PA and... Read more

“Fantastic”! The customers coment

Hi John, I thought I would email you to let you know how things are going since you upgraded the PA systems in both churches. I believe the only word to describe what you have done is “Fantastic” everyone can now clearly hear whoever is reading , even the... Read more