Shure and channel 38 compatibility
The Shure BLX K3E radio mic systems which have no frequency display are not quite as channel 38 compatible as they might appear in the sales blurb from suppliers . The problem is that all the groups do not use only frequencies in the channel 38 range. However there are 3 groups P and R which do only use channel 38 frequencies
It does seem from the info I have obtained from Shure that only 7 frequencies can be used simultaneously in these groups due to bandwidth limitations.
Here is the link to the Shure Wireless Frequency Compatibility Chart for the BLX K3E
If you are using wireless microphones, talkback (walkie-talkies) and production services for radio and TV, you will need a ‘Programme making and special events’ (PMSE) licence – these are required by law if directly associated with a performance or event..Here is the link to Ofcoms site to get licencing for your radio mics
If you hire anything from us it will always come with the relevant licence.