by John Maggs | 14 Aug 2015 | Blog, Knowledgebase, News
Sound system problems . On the Monday morning I had an email from the a church. Hi John, I just thought I would pass on to you the very positive comments I received from the congregation on the quality of the sound at this mornings service. I did a couple of very... Read more
by John Maggs | 17 Jul 2015 | Blog, Knowledgebase
Radio Microphones licencing In the UK there are particular frequencies and frequency ranges that can be used for radio microphones being used for Program Making And Special Events I have trawled the Ofcom website to get an overview of the situation: The PMSE Spectrum... Read more
by John Maggs | 7 Jun 2015 | Blog, Knowledgebase, News
Radio microphone licences and you I was providing the Pa and Plasma screens for the speeches and the best mans presentation at a wedding last weekend. This involved the usual small compact speakers on stands, a hand held radio mike for the father of the bride and... Read more
by John Maggs | 24 May 2015 | Blog, Knowledgebase, News
At first sight using LED par cans and Tri Colour colour mixing seem like the ultimate solution. Any colour from any lantern . No more changing gels. Less space on the rig…. Apart from the obvious one that “LED par cans do not produce anything with a wave... Read more
by John Maggs | 10 May 2015 | Blog, Knowledgebase, News
it will save you a lot of time and problems Signal connections at the desk end 1. The multicore provides connection between the stage and the mixing desk, for both the microphones from the stage to the desk and signals back to the stage and amps from the desk. The... Read more
by John Maggs | 17 Apr 2015 | Blog, Knowledgebase, News
Mains power supply Star earthing As a general rule, all mains power for a “PA system” and any associated “back line equipment” must come from one “Star Point”to reduces the problems of earth loops. This “Star Point” should be as close as possible to the power... Read more