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PMSE Shared user frequencies additional band

PMSE shared user frequencies There has recently been an addition to the  PMSE shared user frequencies. These  were previously restricted  to the channel 38 band. The new band of frequencies are between  823 and 832 MHz. These  are now under the same licence as the...

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LED Zoom Profile

The EVE E-100Z LED Zoom Profile LED Zoom profiles will fill what has, until now, been a bit of a gap in the led arsenal. You may ask “who needs a Profile. "They look very expensive for a white fixed position lantern”. Well if you are used to having them and they are...

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Turbosound iNSPIRE

A line array but by a different name. The new Turbosound iNSPIRE 2000  modular column ( line array) speakers are ready for action. The cardboard boxes have done their job, keeping them safe on a few jobs. Now the Turbosound transport bags have arrived and extremely...

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The Mabels

The Mabels were an unexpected treat Last Friday  at Canvas in Bournemouth The Mabels, looked as though thy were going to be a reasonable "party" band, but were we in for a shock. The bands line up is a bit unusual. There are two girl lead singers, who produce some...

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The Congo Faith Healers , engineering for a Tight Band

The Congo Faith Healers , engineering for a Tight Band

  Engineering "The Congo Faith Healers" I had the pleasure of supplying the sound equipment and engineering for the Congo Faith Healers last night who play a fusion of Blues, Swing, Latin and Gypsy Jazz. This band is really worth listening to. They are so tight you...

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Arena Sound System

Mini Arena Sound system for the School Hall  This Sound System had a few unusual requirements It had to be easy for staff to use for assemblies where only a computer sound track and a lapel radio microphone are needed and at the other end of the spectrum it has to be...

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School hall sound system

School hall sound system This one has to be used for every thing from Head of year assemblies to big musical theatre productions and Rock extravaganzas over the past few weeks I have been extremely busy installing the sound system that I designed over the school...

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Sound system Problems ? give me a call

Sound system problems . On the Monday morning I had an email from the a church. Hi John, I just thought I would pass on to you the very positive comments I received from the congregation on the quality of the sound at this mornings service. I did a couple of very...

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Radio Microphones licencing

Radio Microphones licencing In the UK there are particular frequencies and frequency ranges that can be used for radio microphones being used for Program Making And Special Events I have trawled the Ofcom website to get an overview of the situation: The PMSE Spectrum...

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Ferndown Upper school Prize giving 2015

Prize giving for Ferndown Upper school 2015   This year the Ferndown Upper school Prize giving 2015 took place at the Carington hotel. The sound equipment and setup was provided by us in line with the specification from the school . We added an extra lectern...

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